About Us

Meet Alyssa: From Artist’s Palette to Culinary Canvas

Welcome to Alyssa Recipes, where art meets appetite and every dish tells a story!


A Dash of Creativity, a Pinch of Passion

Hey there! I’m Alyssa, the heart and hands behind Alyssa Recipes. Five years ago, I was juggling life as a single mom, with a sketchbook in one hand and my newborn son, Leo, in the other. Oh, and let’s not forget Rusty, my golden retriever sous-chef, always ready to taste-test (or clean up spills).

Life had other plans for my artist dreams, but it turns out, my canvas was meant to be in the kitchen all along. Between diaper changes and daydreams, I discovered that cooking was my true art form – and boy, did it feed my soul (and my growing boy)!

From Struggling Artist to Culinary Creator

One fateful day, as Leo napped and Rusty eyed my latest kitchen experiment, inspiration struck. Why not blend my eye for design with my newfound love for cooking? And just like that, Alyssa Recipes was born – a place where family-friendly meals meet artistic flair.

Now, Leo’s five and my official taste-tester (alongside Rusty, of course). We’ve traded paintbrushes for whisks, and canvases for plates. And you know what? We’ve never been happier or better fed!

What’s Cooking at Alyssa Recipes?

  • Easy, family-friendly recipes that don’t skimp on flavor
  • Budget-friendly meal ideas (because we’ve all been there!)
  • Kid-approved dishes (Leo-tested, mom-approved)
  • The occasional pet-friendly treat (Rusty insists)
  • Simple tips to add a designer’s touch to your meals

My Kitchen, Your Canvas

At Alyssa Recipes, my mission is simple: to show you that creating beautiful, delicious meals doesn’t require a culinary degree or a big budget. Whether you’re a busy parent, a cooking novice, or just someone looking to add more flavor to life, you’re in the right place.

So, grab an apron, and let’s make some edible art together!

Join Our Culinary Community

Ready to turn your kitchen into a studio of flavors? Sign up for our newsletter and get a free e-book of Leo’s top 5 favorite meals!

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Follow our delicious journey on [Instagram/Facebook/Pinterest] for daily inspiration, behind-the-scenes fun, and the occasional Rusty photobomb.

Thanks for stopping by. I can’t wait to cook with you!

Bon appétit!